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Construction film

Construction polyethylene film - is the most popular, convenient and already familiar construction material. It is durable and impact resistance material.

Construction film is used both in construction and repair work as a protective, waterproof and heat insulating material. It protects the foundation, structure and building materials, which are stored in the open air. It protects from the possible effects of the environment, such as rain, snow, mechanical damage, etc.  Moreover, the construction film is used forinsulation under the floor fill, foundation, basement and attic. For example, the film that laid under the concrete and on it provides rapid and complete hydration of the cement. It is also essential in the process of painting and plastering. Also, it is an ideal material, which removes the liquid condensing.


Construction film has a number of useful properties, due to which it has such a wide application:

• elasticity;

• good resistance to stretching;

• resistance to dynamic temperature changes;

• retains its structure and strength even after reaction with acids, solvents or other aggressive materials;

• perfectly retains moisture;

• low cost.


In the production of construction film it can be used the polyethylene both the first grade and recycled polyethylene. A film made of recycled raw materials, has exactly the same properties as the first film of polyethylene grades. The only difference is smaller percentage of light transmittance, but it has a lower cost. Of course, if you need increased light transmission and a beautiful aesthetic  appearance, it is necessary to acquire a construction polyethylene film made of the first grade. Purchasing and using recycled construction film, you do not just save moneyyou are improving the environmental situation of the country.


To date, our company offers a wide range of construction film, which is produced in the format of a sleeve, half-sleeve and blade. The thickness varies from 30 to 300 microns and a width of 100 to 12000 mm. Depending on your needs, our managers will pick the best option for you.


The film of secondary raw materials isn’t used to cover greenhouses.  Greenhouses are covered with special greenhouse film.
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