Packaging films
Currently, consuers
are used to beautifully and securely packaged goods, haven’t even notice the presence of the packaging material. Everyone just knows that plastic packaging should be a priori. If you look into the past, the large number of food products was packaged in brown paper, bakery just laid on the shelves, beverages were in wooden boxes, construction materials - in fabric bags and so on. But the technological process has widely stepped forward, and now we have a bright, reliable and versatile packaging material - a polyethylene packaging film.
Goods packed in polyethylene gives us confidence that they are new and not corrupted, causing consumer confidence. Such package protects the contents from contamination, spoilage and wet, as well facilitates the storage and transportation of goods. It should also be noted that the packaging film is an additional advertising space for manufacturers.
Our company has all the capabilities to produce plastic packaging of any size, width and thickness according to individual customer parameters.